The Cenacle Holy Hour

HolyHourFrom the idea of the Congregation of the Clergy and its request to the Bishops of the Church, the Spiritual Motherhood Sodality promotes a “Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration” for Priests and their ministry. This Holy Hour is asked to be done by every one of our Cenacle Groups per month. To quote directly from the document entitled “Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity” on pages 6 and 7:

“We intend in a very particular way to entrust all priests to Mary, the Mother of the High and Eternal Priest, bringing about in the Church a movement of prayer, placing 24 hour continuous Eucharistic adoration at the centre, so that a prayer of adoration, thanksgiving, praise, petition, and reparation, will be raised to God, incessantly and from every corner of the earth, with the primary intention of awakening a sufficient number of holy vocations to the priestly state and, at the same time, spiritually uniting with a certain spiritual maternity—at the level of the Mystical Body—all those who have already been called to the ministerial priesthood…”

In addition to this Eucharistic Holy Hour offered for Priests and their ministry, the good works and deeds of  Spiritual Mothers are offered to Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is certainly laudable for  Spiritual Mothers also to remember any specific “spiritual children” they are praying for.

The Structure of the Holy Hour

There is not one arbitrary structure of what prayers should be done during a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration. It will be up to the group and its Hebdomary to decide what prayers should be included. The Congregation for the Clergy has suggested their own outline of a Holy Hour for Priests which is included in the second edition of the document “Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity.” The Sodality sends this document to each woman after she signs up.

The Spiritual Motherhood Sodality also has a booklet and suggested outline of a Holy Hour which we offer to each one of our Cenacle Groups. The booklet can be downloaded for review here.

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