The Holy Rosary and Intentions for Priests
The Holy Rosary is a powerful devotion rooted in Sacred Scripture. Pray the rosary to ask the intercession of the Blessed Mother on behalf of all priests and your spiritual children. Consider rotating through the following intentions when you pray the Rosary:
Fidelity – May my adopted priest and all priests be faithful to: God, the Pope and the Magisterium of the Church, serving the flock entrusted to their care, celebrating the Sacrifice of the Mass daily, going to and hearing confessions, and celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom.
Fortitude – May my adopted priest and all priests be courageous in: Preaching the truth in love, being Alter Christus (another Christ) in a “politically correct” world, shepherding the people of God, standing up for the Truth (especially regarding the sanctity of human life) and fraternally correcting in charity (as needed).
Perseverance – May my adopted priest and all priests persevere in: praying daily the Sacrifice of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Hours, Eucharistic Adoration (Holy Hour), spiritual reading (especially meditating on Sacred Scripture), examination of conscience and resolutions, physical exercise, ongoing formation.
Prudence – May my adopted priest and all priests be prudent in: their guidance of the flock, giving spiritual direction, working with the laity, and making time out of their schedule to hear confessions regularly.
Charity – May my adopted priest and all priests be loving in: the constant Gift of Self (selflessness), laying down their life for others, service to all, their pursuit of Holiness (the Perfection of Charity).
Temperance – May my adopted priest and all priests be temperate in: holy detachment of created things, the amount of food they eat, the things they materially own, being attached to certain people.
Humility – May my adopted priest and all priests be humble in: their ministry as a Priest of Jesus Christ, in their sonship of Mother Church, their preaching of the Word, their celebration of the Sacraments, and their fatherly guidance of God’s people.
Obedience – May my adopted priest and all priests be obedient to: God, the Pope, their Bishop or Religious Superior, the teachings of the Church, the rubrics of the Mass, and all lawful authority.
Zeal – May my adopted priest and all priests be zealous in: the salvation of souls, their call to become saints, working for the conversion of sinners, performing the spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Love of Mary – May my adopted priest and all priests be dependent on Mary as: the Mother of priests, the Mother of the Church, the Seat of Wisdom, Virgin Most Pure, Queen of Families and the Mother of God.