All members of a Cenacle Group must be signed up as an official member of the Spiritual Motherhood Sodality.
There needs to be at least five women who are willing to form a Cenacle Group and agree to the positions listed in the “Cenacle Structure and Roles.”
A “Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration” should be done at least once a month by the Cenacle group; if the group decides to pray more, it is certainly praiseworthy, but not required.
If the Cenacle group meets on any Church property or grounds, there has to be permission given directly by the pastor, or one delegated in his place.
Only teachings that are faithful to the Pope and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church are allowed within the Cenacle Group.
Spiritual Maternity P.O. Box 1863 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729